Thursday, February 19, 2009

Left 4 Dead

I have to play this game. Seriously, its been sitting in my Steam dashboard for 2 weeks and I haven't even seen the title sequence. This weekend, no TF2. Time for the zombie apocalypse to begin.

My new favorite word

I have a new favorite word, thanks to Gamespot's podcast "The Hotspot" - Goregasm. Thanks Brendon Sinclair and Tom McShay.

Scout Class upradges in Team Fortress 2

I was playing TF2 yesterday, and I asked some of the people there what they thought of the upgrades to the scout class. The biggest change will be adding a ball to the bat weapon that can be used to stun enemies at range. Most of them thought it would be a bad idea. They brought up the change to the demo class, which I'm not familiar with (I'm an engineer and pyro mostly, with some sniper thrown in there). I like the idea, at least in concept. If it works to stun that heavy with an Uber charge, then I'm all for it. Those jerks always take out my sentry and L3 dispensers that I spent the past 5 minutes building. But I also can agree with the people I was playing with. The scout class, if played well, can be extremely effective against just about anything out there. Allowing them to hit me from a distance will change the balance of the game. So what to do about it? I don't know, but I do applaud Valve for sticking with the game and giving us more upgrades. Maybe having an additional weapon for a scout that could counter this one. It would make for some interesting scout vs. scout battles.
Hey Valve, how about making an upgrade for the engineer that lets us see through the spy disguise? Or another sentry gun that can keep from always being knifed in the back by them?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why This Blog Exists

So I created this blog as a way for me to post my random thoughts. I really am looking at this as a way to create a record for myself to remember what I'm playing or thinking about video games at any one time. Since I subscribe to many twitter feeds from the video game press and companies, seeing what is out there should give me plenty of stuff to pontificate about without having to face the public shaming I would get from posting on their sites. So if you are reading this, you can shame me here. Or not. Now, lets have some cake. Or pie.

Team Fortress 2

So I just saw my twitter post from Valve Software. The scout class now has a new unlockable weapon - a baseball that can be hit at enemies to stun them. Great, one more weapon that I'll suck at using. Oh well, great idea for someone who is good at the scout class!